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Broken Record

by John
(Mountain View, CA)

Listening to the news today (August 9, 2014), and hearing President Obama describe the long term plans for Iraq, and the recent bombing, I could not help but think of the words, "Broken Record."

Broken because it will not work in the long term. And record because we are playing it, on our national record player, over and over. You would think we would notice the repetitive nature of the message, and the history of failure of its functionality hypothesis.

So what is the alternative? Good question.

Clearly, when an immediate moral issue, such as genocide, occurs, some form of humanitarian response is needed. But here is the problem:

The corrective solution is never going to work in the long term. WHY?

Because it fixes a problem, rather than creating a shift in culture. Culture is 10,000 times more effective, reliable, durable and powerful than problem fixing.

The worse response is to fix the problem. Better than that is prevention. Better than that is education. Better than that is self-education. Best is a change in culture.

So how do you do that?

Through MANY means… but some of them are dialogue, conversation, relationship-building, team-building, inter-economic exchanges, scientific collaboration, free trade, exchange programs, etc, etc, etc.

In the short term, clearly, these types of initiatives do not work… the crisis is too imminent. What MUST be done is to pair the short term solutions with relationship-building, as a hybrid.

Both are needed. And, when relationship builds, the reactive war/bomb stuff will atrophy. A shift in dominance will occur, just as it has in every other educational effort. Just look at the civil rights movement. It's the culture that perseveres. And the idea (in that case, that all men are created equal).

Ideas, visions, HARD WORK in the areas of relationship building will have VASTLY better results than dropping aid, and bombing the insurgents.

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Aug 11, 2014
by: Debra

Kumar,,, when was the last time you had your teeth cleaned?

Come visit us when you are in town!


Debra :-)

Aug 11, 2014
by: Kumar

Commenting on Time by Anonnymous:

Time is not a measure of change. Time starts and never stops and is a "forever" variable parameter.Time only keeps displying Change, but we the humans, attatch a meaning and measure the change.. and measure whether the change was for good or for worse. From this measurement we are supposed to learn and make appropriate adjustments to the next action we take to change the outcome of the next display which I call Time keeps "Displaying". This is where our intelligence plays a role to identify the cause and solve it. Do we have the WILL to do this, despite the intelligence we seem to claim we have !!

Aug 11, 2014
by: Anonymous

Time heals and will solve all the problems !!

Time alone will not heal all problems. Time is a measure of change. We cannot stop change. Our minds are totally programmed and difficult to change. How can we help us humans change our thinking - wakeup to see the reality of what we are doing and discover how to take creative initiative.

Aug 10, 2014
I agree Kuman
by: John

I think your idea about time is correct. And, I think it explains why we (Americans) almost always go for the "quick" fix (operative word, "quick.")

When there is a crisis, it is natural to seek an immediate remedy for the suffering. Right now, August 10, there is no doubt that immediate protection and aid for those 100,000+ citizens trapped on the mountain is appropriate.

THEN, I say L E A R N from the crisis. Get some money and people and science and whatever you can find and work even harder to identify the root cause and solve it.

The video at the top of LoveShift includes 12 alternatives to war. Any number of these would be a great place to start.

Aug 10, 2014
Time heals
by: Kumar

John, (Dr Burch), This is Kumar from Austin, Tx / Santa Clara, CA. While I agree Change / shift in Culture is a smart solution than dropping bombs, the point I would like to make is the Change in culture takes a long, long, long Time, and eventually it is always Time that heals.
Quoting your own example of Civil Rights Movement, how long did it take even for the educated minds of those days to realize that All men are created equal. When sentiments, violence continued for a long time, People just got fed up and changed their thinking to better help their own sanity. So likewise even in countries like India, where the caste system prevailed for generations,"untouchability" was the order of the day from the upper caste Brahmins, when those folks from old generations passed away over a length of Time, the younger generation of the day came to realize the "untouchability" is a stupid concept and things are quite different today. But it took genrations.. Time is the key word.

Look at how long Israelis and Palestines have been been fighting...and this will go on until there remains one Israeli and One Palestine left out of this conflict, and then they will shake hands say, " we are only two left and cannot do anything anymore.. you take what you want, let us live ". This will take Time and Time will heal this kind of conflict, as Time stands a witness to the Creation and Destruction as well.
So in a nutshell, the change of attitude, a change in culture, a change of mind takes time.
And Time heals and will solve all the problems !!

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