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Earth Consciousness - Mind - Intelligent

by Kumar
(Santa Clara, California)

Hi everyone, This is Kumar.
I believe that WE all are part of Earth and hence We are Earth. We the humans are made of the same particles, and chemistry, as that of the rocks, water, fire from the perspective of Physics, Chemistry and we are bound by the same laws of Mathematics as everything else around us.
This is to say that Earth has consciousness and hence we do, Earth has a mind and hence we do. Because Earth is intelligent, We are. This Earth has survived for billions of years and We will as well as I think each one of us as energy particles and energy can neither be created nor be destroyed.

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Feb 16, 2011
by: John Burch

Hi Kumar,

I agree with your comments. During a seminar several years ago, a group of people emerged this statement:

"The mind does not shine by its own light. It too is illuminated by the One, which, even now, is creating everything."


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