I matter - Absence of independence - Tom Reynolds.
Examples of groupthink - NYT crosswords puzzle, etc.
Space genocide
Carl Sagan - Earth is where we make our stand.
Eleanore Roosevelt - If we want to live, we have to talk.
2+2=4, 2+2=5.
Emelia Rathbun, Virginia Fitton.
Margaret Mead
Walk through time - Sid Leabis
Salt map
Normalcy bias - don't be normal!
Systems have 3 conditions.. esp nonlinearity and delay.
No such thing as race -- skin color sensitivity from Africa
Prisoners, sports, war.
Troops, boots on the ground, collateral damage.
Bob Gaunt: Countries don't attach countries, people from one country attach everyone on Earth.
Indifference is genocide.
Wisdom myths: Cain and Able
Feminine principle must proceed.
Jesus added mind
Great Paradox
Who so ever hath, to him shall be given
Let your eye be single
Narrow gate
Being meek - like the moon, enchanted with Earth
Gratitude - for Earth, life, time, space, gravity, oxygen, photosynthesis, trees, water, love.
Love exists!
Pi - never resolved - as a symbol.
If you will open and look at the world, you will suffer - DF
Rat and rose
Chalice meditation - key.
The titanium wall = the asymptote.
Life is not guaranteed
Murphy's law - what can go wrong, will go wrong.
Creative Initiative - even so, not justice.
Creative minority - 7% - 490 million people. Facebook = 1.2 billion - Michael Jackson.
The content from the GMS video - can't have regional security if we don't have global security.
Brown water - PJ
Earthlings in a trance, like holocaust
Humans as new asteroid.
Response - ability.
Content from two CIF videos.
Content from VF and BS PAIR videos
Level of concern.
5 orders of magnitude to get 10,000 advantage to offset the 5000:1 disadvantage.
Online computer for e=mcC = China, tape, infinity.
Reptilian brain, cerebral cortex - Sequence.
Neanderthals - we are 4% of them - interbreeding.
P = perpetual, permanent, purpose
To have a mission or to be on a mission, or to become that mission.
The rope experience from Living on the Edge of Evolution
You have a voice, what is your voice saying?
Truth, beauty, goodness
"In the absence of gratitude, a patient cannot be completely sane"
Symbols, practices, meditation, money, mindsets.
Alan Watts - snake story.
Human's can change the formula of cat food... something special.
God must have trusted us. Now, redefine instinct and freedom.
The institution of war = 10,000 years old at most.
Worldview 1.0, 2.0, 3.0.
Faces of the enemy - Sam Keen
Lust and anger ; not in the present.
Jesus never talking about the afterlife!
Will - did anyone accidentally take a shower today? We will ourselves through the day.
Can't trust the Russians. Our problem.
Terrorism and terrorists. Yes, But I don't choose terror as a fear-based response.
Detachment - to not NEED anything.
We all get exactly what we want in this world. ER
Intend - story of Diane and me with Emilia.
Intend - first time you really know you intend to clean out the garage is when you find yourself out there on Saturday moving boxes around.
Every war is a holy war.
Memes - virus of the mind (author)
What is culture? Why is it the key?? CRITICAL
Richard at Hurlbut's class. How is the world doing?
Duane Elgen - child, adolescent, adult, elder?
Admitting "us" to hospital: well, ill, critical, terminal?
The FedEx experiment.
Shockly at Stanford: the bus/knife story.
"Radical" - surprised at the definition.
Margaret Wheatley - they have nothing to lose.
Parents as first metaphor for God.
Marriage as gymnasium of the soul.
"You are my teacher." Teacher for what.
Surrender - to raise up.
Relevant - to raise up, like a relief map.
Theme of the play, goal of the scene.
Elizabethan theater - climax in the middle of the third act. Comedy or Tragedy.
No one will do this for us. We each have to see with new eyes.
Love: what can you do? SHARE IT!
Kid in High School - gets into Cal or Stanford.
Limited identifications - the source of war.
Under no conditions shall ye hate or kill.
Change from cambiare, being to Exchange.
Entropy - deck of cards
To have or to be - Eric Fromm
I am here, I am here, I am life, eternal life - Victor Frankel
Quote from Mother Teresa
Quote from Ann Frank
Quote from Adolf Hitler
Quote from Martin Luther King
The work of Martin Hellman - Russian roulette
The BB's.
Alternatives to War - video, twelve. 1% of Military Budget.
US President - philosopher king - Plato. Global Interest, flag, color of the White House.
Limits - water plant, cut off finger.
What is good for life.
Star of David
Christ Star.
"Always more" - Emilia Rathbun.
The amazing electron.
"What does your watch measure?" Time. Oh, really?
Questions, dialogue, conversations that matter.
Jigsaw puzzle - vision of the future - some pieces missing.
Microscope - created due to a need.
Ask, seek, knock.
We can't fix our way out of this fix - JB
All is one as context, love as response
Survival of the fittest - Darwin. "Fit" as adapted, like a hand into a pre-manufactured glove.
Becoming as wise and loving as the system that produced us.
We collapse the probability wave - Scholenger
Consciousness as independent variable now. Future depends on it.
Consciousness as the new habitat.
Dialogue is action.
We are enculturated.
Civil war as example of difficulty of moving group thinking.
Looking vs seeing.
Butterfly effect,,, everything matters.
Control = counter- roll.
Fixing the problem -> oscillation. Chews up the landscape.
Functional fixedness. Hammer as paperweight.
Story of Gandhi saying get the key from your neighbor.
Holarchy - Ken Wilbur
Humans as transformative agents for change.
Love as the new algorithm
Maintain a spirit of goodwill
Not pose an enemy
Meatloaf story / Denture story
No blame - same root as blastphemy.
Normalcy bias
One earth, one humanity, one spirit
Our highest nature - Aristotle
Only life can lay claim to uninterrupted continuity - Bernard Lown.
***** sensing, that lady
Refocussing consciousness for positive social change.
So what?
The human is determinative now.
Thought has power.
Three dispensations from Guide to Fulfillment
Three levels of blindness: reptilian brain, personal enculturation, social enculturation, even the media -- and the mystical enculturation - hidden group mind (HGM).
Three rules of evolution: Goal of life is survival, future belongs to those organisms with a fitness for change, environment determines which changes are good for life.
Universe has trajectory!
I will resolve all conflict, I won't use violence.
We need each other, and we need diversity.
What does it mean to love?
What is love? What does love do?
What does blame do?
What is the goal of life? Happiness? Possessions?
Woven into the very fabric of the universe - embedded, not like a marble in a balloon, or a raisin in great - more like a parent in their family.
One mile from the beach.
Next 50-100 years.
Root canal metaphor story.
Need a solution "in the collective"
Our journey, kinship with all life. Starstuff.
Stalled at nationhood - Swimme, progression story.
New definition of sanity and action: paying attention, having conversations, sharing, forever redesigning the new paradigm together, forever.
New literacy: learn, test, discard, relearn, repeat.
Test for truth is experience.
Faith: willingness to test the nobler hypothesis.
Network, connect, be the change you want to see in the world - Gandhi story of eating candy.