jQuery UI Tooltip - Default functionality


by GiGi
(Palo Alto, CA, USA)

I wonder what people think about the nature of love. What is it? Why do we need it? What's it for? Is it really important?

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Nature of love
by: John

If we asked 100 people what is the nature of love, or what it is for... I would bet we would get 100 different answers.

So, that is interesting.

How can something so central to human existence be this unusual to so many people? Is it the opposite of fear? Is it God? Is it part of LoveShift (the expansion and extension of level of concern).

Where does it come from? What function does it have in evolution? In survival?

Maybe we need to discover something about love which has yet to be revealed.

One thing I would say for certain: We can't live without it, often "die" for it, and sometimes even "kill" for it.

WHAT IS IT THEN?? ->> Great question!!

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