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Perception, looking and seeing

by Kumar
(Santa Clara, California)

This Kumar saying a warm hello. Looking is a physical thing meaning reality. When we look at something, we are looking at the same thing which exists in all dimensions. However, perception is framing, framing what we look at into a framework of mind, with a different interpretation.
Then interpretation is dependent on the events, happenings in one's life.

For example, when two individuals look at snow falling through a window in wilderness experience different things.
One who always had good memories of watching white snow fall with a glass of red wine, always feels happy.
Whereas the other individual, who looks at the same white snow, feels his inner emotions stirred, and feels bad as he connects the snow outside with a ski accident of one of his kith and kin.

See, the same white snow, framed by two different individuals, with different frame of mind feel different emotions. Seeing is experiencing a logical and a rational explanation, irrespective of the frame of mind we framed of what we Looked at.

Have a wonderful day


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Feb 09, 2011
Perception, looking , seeing
by: Anonymous

When I 'look' at the world today, I see this world as a big stage upon which a drama is enacted by every human being. This world is a big stage and we are all actors and the drama that unfolds daily has the elements of mystery, comedy, tragedy, love, hate, and every other emotions one can think of. The mother earth provides a wonderful backdrop of nature for the drama that follows.

What we need to 'see' is all of us actors (humans) on this world stage to do our part to the best of our ability for the success of the drama that is being played.


Feb 09, 2011
Looking vs. Seeing
by: John Burch

I agree with you, Kumar. Also, it seems that looking is an objective thing... that is, you look AT something. Seeing is more subjective, you allow an insight, or understanding, to penetrate you. In a manner of speaking, we are "seen" by the new understanding, which has the potential to change our thinking.

When you look at the world today, Kumar, what do you think we need to see? Why?

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